Sunday 9:30am - English
By Appointment or before Mass
Adoration is not scheduled at this time
The church of St. Mary was built in 1914 in Quanah, and blessed by Bishop Joseph P. Lynch on March 4 of the same year. $500 was donated by the church Extension Society for the building. $4500 was raised by Annie Kerrigan, the Non-Catholic widow of Mike Kerrigan, who collected it from boarders at the hotel she operated. In gratitude the church was dedicated in memory of her husband. In 1940, Annie herself died a Catholic at St. Paul’s Hospital in Dallas.
At the time of the dedication there were only ten Catholics, including Arthur A. Keys, Tony Summer, J. W. Simmons, Billy Murphy, Mrs. Ray Huff, Tom Simmons, and George Simmons, father of the only priest from Quanah, Billy Simmons.
From 1914 until 1928 priests came from Childress about once a month, Mass time depending on their arrival. Priests who served during those years were Frs. Paul Mosler, M. G. French, P. Cuny, C. D. Boutich, and Charles Dvorak.
In 1928, Fr. E. Gerlich was appointed first resident pastor of Vernon and of the missions in Quanah and Crowell. Mass was celebrated twice a month at 10a.m.
In 1955, under Fr. Kurt Buranich, OFM, the parish grew rapidly and Mass was offered every Sunday. Under Fr. Vega, a loan was obtained from the diocese for the complete remodeling of the church and parish hall.
Presently, the church is very alive, vibrant and has about 50 families.